Sunday, January 26, 2020

How SBG Led Us to Empower: The Power of Evidence (Part 2 of 2)

This is part two of a two-part blog series.  When our district began a move to standards based grading (SBG), we realized that we needed a different digital tool.  In the previous blog entry, I discussed how the limitations of a traditional grading system led us to SBG, and ultimately, Empower Learning.  In this entry, I give an overview on the grading features of Empower and how it integrates with our standards based learning philosophy.

While Empower is a fully functioning learning management system, its core capability of capturing student evidence and calculating this for overall standard scores is really the "crown jewel" of the tool.

But first, what do you see when you log into Empower?  There are three main interface tabs.  The Instruction Tab is where you can see classes (either fed from your student information system or custom created groups), as well as create and assign instructional materials like Activities and Quizzes.  The Reporting Tab is where you can output progress reports and export other data.  The Scoring Tab is where "gradebooks" are located, and the place where evidence and standards are scored.  (Remember, as is necessary in SBG, these scores are based on established Mastery Scales -- for Shelby, these range in whole numbers from 0 to 4.)

Example of a test class/group (with a single student) and a sample gradebook with one standard shown.

Empower has two types of gradebooks.  The first is a class's default gradebook (also called the "master course playlist" by Empower), designed and managed at the district level, that designates the prioritized standards for the course.  This master gradebook determines many important reporting and analytical aspects of Empower, such as progress reporting and the final course grade calculation.  (In a knowing nod to a traditional system needing a final "number" grade at the end of the year for secondary classes, Empower can take the end of year scores of all the prioritized standards and average them together.)   The second type are gradebooks custom created by the user, in order to help teachers focus on a smaller lens of standards (perhaps just a few standards addressed in your Unit One) or to make cross-content project assessment much easier (think of PBL possibilities!).

Under the Scoring Tab, you can toggle between "Score Standards" and "Score Evidences," which show the interrelationship between the two -- they are truly two sides of the same coin.  Under "Score Evidences," you can see tasks that have been targeted to various standards and score these individual evidences accordingly.  These may have been created in the Instructional area, such as Activities and Quizzes, but one of my favorite Empower features is the ability to make "Quick Evidence" -- within a button push and a few clicks, you can quickly create and score evidence. (Many learning management systems only allow grading of digital activities created inside its system, but Empower allows you to score and assess virtually anything in seconds -- analog activities, observation of classroom discussions, and so on.)   Under "Score Standards," a teacher can score an overall standard if they wish.   However, one of Empower's most powerful tools is the Marzano True Score Estimator (MTSE), which is accessible within a gradebook's "Standards" toggle side.  You can use it to look behind a particular standard, and not only examine the body of evidence each student has demonstrated, but see how Empower calculates and projects an overall standard score based on the evidence score numbers and when the evidence occurred.  To do this, Empower actually runs the evidence scores through three different formulas -- average, Linear, and Power Law -- then recommends one or more as the most reliable for the given set.  This creates a completely different nuance to grading (which constantly updates as new evidence is entered), and a very necessary one when deciding and defending a student's mastery of a standard.

Let's briefly walk through these formulas.  We are very used to averaging, but I will highlight here that it is the only one of the formulas that is indifferent to when the evidence scores happened -- in other words, whether the scores were from two years ago, last September, or yesterday.    Linear is looking for a trend line; if we graphed these scores, are we trending upwards or downwards?  Therefore, more recent evidence is important when determining the direction of the trend.  Lastly, Power Law is based on an intuitively typical human learner.  When most of us encounter a new concept, we struggle to understand it, and if we were "scored" on our skill or knowledge, would likely score low with 1's and 2's.  As time and experience went on, we would get better, likely scoring 2's and 3's, and in time would achieve mastery with 4's.   Power Law takes that progression into account by mathematically counting earliest scores with considerable less "weight," and mathematically counting most recent scores with considerably more weight.  In short: for Power Law, how you just performed is much more important than your potential low scores in the early part of your learning.

Take a moment to compare these multiple, nuanced levels of assessing learning to Part One's story of Timmy and his traditional grading conundrum, who like many students struggled with such a low test score early in a unit that it didn't matter that he aced the final test; in a traditional system of averages and percentages, only a student who is freakishly perfect from the start would maintain a high grade, and a student who starts off poorly cannot avoid the demotivating academic hole they can't statistically crawl out of.   Empower changes the entire approach to looking at what grading is communicating, and at least as importantly, gives students specific guidance on how to improve their learning -- they not only know their overall standard strengths and challenges, but how their evidence behind a standard has an accumulating history, and the importance of today's performance is actually calculated as more important than whatever struggles the student may have had earlier.   (There is an additional positive side effect of this as well: students that perform exceptionally well at the beginning of an academic year cannot rest on their good laurels and coast into a passing grade when "spring senioritis" sets in and their present performance significantly drops.)

I admit that when I first began learning and teaching others about how Empower calculates scores, I struggled to understand and explain this well to others.  As the school year began, I created a Scoring Calculations Doc to help explain how this worked to our district staff.  For the sake of this blog entry, I'm only bringing the Doc up to point out one common concern that parents, students and even some teachers have: in a system of mastery scales and standards based grading, will final course grades, GPA's, etc. go down for most students?  In the Doc, I attack this head on by using a fictional set of four students and examining their evidence scores under a single hypothetical standard.  Luke is the Marzano ideal student of human learning, who starts with scores of 1's, then 2's and 3's, and finally 4's.  Han is the opposite: he started at all 4's and wound down to 1's in several recent scores.  Lando is all over the place scorewise for a while, but settles out and eventually scores consistent 4's by the end of his scoring timeline.  Lastly, Leia has mid-level scores fairly consistently, although she tends to score 3's (including recently). 

When comparing the simple average of the scores versus their Linear/Power Law projected calculations, the above table shows how the idea of averaging conflates the academic "stories" of these four students as equal, when we can see this is limiting at best and strongly inaccurate at worst.  Interestingly, in a mastery SBG system that goes beyond merely averaging, three of these students do as good or better than they would in a traditional grading system.  With SBG, there is not only more of a chance for a student to score a higher GPA, but such a GPA may actually reflect a true accomplishment of (mastery) learning instead of just an accumulation of points.  Out of our four fictional friends, the only student that does worse in SBG -- Han -- is the one student we can clearly see is "bottoming out" or having a bad case of the senioritis we mentioned earlier, but instead of facing an academic penalty for this in traditional grading, Han would unfairly coast into the same grade as his peers.

Empower is an example of a powerful digital tool that is a potential game changer for assessing student learning.  Of course, a learning management system is merely a holder of digital data entered by humans -- it cannot replace a teacher's professional judgment and relationship building necessary for student learning and growth to occur.   Empower can calculate scores quantitatively, but has no ability to determine the qualitative nature of the assessments themselves; this is where "the art of teaching" and a teacher's discernment come into play.  (This is one reason why Empower always allows a teacher to determine an overall standard score, even if that means overriding what Empower suggests based on evidence scores.) Empower does not magically make teachers effective in standards based grading practices, or make their assessments automatically any deeper, more rigorous, or authentic.  Excellence in SBG requires dedication, professional learning, and time.   Empower does not short cut this or offer a silver edtech bullet.  However, I do have to say that in the six years I have been a part of education technology in Shelby County, there have been few if any digital tools that have pushed and challenged our teachers to teach transformatively as much as Empower.  It is impossible to use it fully and faithfully and still maintain a traditional grading mindset.   In that same vein, as we continue to support and fulfill our current Strategic Leadership Plan, tools like Empower are a valuable asset in order to move forward in our goal to enrich and enlarge our capacity to personalize our students' learning with a "mastery of standards" philosophy, and leave behind the idea of school as a game of compliance and points.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Share Fair 2020 Tickets Now Available!

Our sixth annual Share Fair (#SCsharefair) will be on Thursday, February 20, 2020!  This FREE professional development, open to educators outside of Shelby County, will have sessions on edtech as well as competency-based education successes and strategies.

Last year, I launched a new website for Share Fair that is chock full of resources.   The site has pages for Frequently Asked Questions (recommended for first-timers in order to understand the conference structure), Multimedia (pictures and video from previous Share Fairs), and an Archive for press clippings and past presenters/sessions.  In order to register for your free tickets, check out the site's Event page

We have some "firsts" to celebrate!

  • Gi Boylan is our building tech at Heritage Elementary who will be discussing robots and coding.  While this is the second time we've had a building tech present at Share Fair, this is the first time a tech is leading a session alone!
  • We have not just one, but TWO sessions with students presenting!  Rachel Kinsey and her Marnel C. Moorman K-8 students will talk about how they are using single-point rubrics to self-assess their competencies.  Kelly Hudson will be facilitating some East Middle students, discussing how Empower and their advisory schedule structure is helping them become self-advocates for their learning. 
  • And speaking of Empower . . . we have a Physical Education teacher presenting for the first time!  Billy Smith from West Middle will discuss how he's using Empower to provide feedback to students on their mastery of P.E. and health standards.
Our sessions span multiple contents and include presenters from elementary, middle and high school. For a complete list of sessions and presenters, go to the Share Fair site's Event page or click here.

Mark your calendars, get your tickets, and see you in there in February!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How SBG Led Us to Empower: The Tyranny of 82% (Part 1 of 2)

Happy holidays and welcome to 2020!  Hope you enjoyed some well deserved time off during winter break.  I have often talked in Edtech Elixirs how digital tools should help us serve an academic objective.  For our district, the need for effective standards based grading (SBG) began a search for a transformative digital tool.  In this blog entry -- the first of a two part series -- I discuss how the limitations of a traditional grading system led us to SBG, and ultimately, Empower Learning.

I'd like to start this entry with what I like to call "the tyranny of 82%."  While it's fictionalized, it's based on the reality I have faced in the past as a classroom teacher in a traditional grading system.

A parent walks into a classroom to discuss her son's current grade with his English teacher.  "I'm worried," the parent frets.  "Timmy currently has a 82%.  That's a B.  A low B.  What can he do to raise it to an A?"

"I'd be happy to help," the teacher smiles.   "I have some practical advice for him.  He should work 8% harder."

"" the parent asks.

"Well, let's say right now he studies 50 minutes a week.  Timmy should start studying 54 minutes a week. That's eight percent more effort."

"Oh yes.  I get it now.  Anything else?"

"Yes.  He should always get a high grade on every assignment, right from the start.  Let me give you an example.  Last week we started a new unit on a concept he had never done before.  He got a 20 out of 100 points on the first big assessment.  At the end of the unit, he aced a final assessment with 100 out of 100 points.  But it was too little too late.  All that effort at the end and he only got an average of 60 percent in summative assessments.  Of course, if it makes you feel any better, Timmy could have gotten a 100 on the first assessment and 20 on the last one and would have gotten the same grade overall.  He should have scored high all along, you see?  The math of averaging doesn't lie.  And I average all students, all the time.  It's only fair!"

"Ahhh!  Very fair. Thank you for the practical advice!"

Of course, the above is farcical.   But as a classroom teacher analyzing an overall course average in a traditional grading system, I wish I could have given feedback to a student or parent as confidently as the fictional teacher above.  On a good day, I could have pointed to a well-designed rubric for a particular assignment to show how you could improve from good to great, but therein lies the problem -- a rubric helps explain the score on a particular assignment, and not really an overall course grade.  For a typical student that wants to increase their class grade by a level or two, I would usually fluster through a conversation on points -- if only they had gotten a bit higher on this quiz or that project, or would get full points on an assignment next week, their grade would go up.  For failing students, it would be a much easier conversation, since it was often a problem of zeroes, and therefore the talk was about completion and compliance.  If Timmy had just turned in a few more of his homework assignments and that big paper from last week, he might not have a F!

If all this talk of points makes school with traditional grading sound like a game to either win or lose, it often is, and therefore no teacher should be surprised when students try to manipulate such a high-stakes and highly subjective system.   (Don't even get me started on how "extra credit" skews the validity of academic data even further, or how enough zeroes can create a statistical hole that even the most motivated student would not be able to climb out.)  However, the problem in all of this talk of points and completion and compliance is the absence of what should be the true question to consider: how does 82% reflect what Timmy actually knows in English?

The answer: it doesn't.

Percentages aren't always impractical, of course.  If I have a 82% approval rating, there was a poll result that revealed 82 out of 100 people like me.  If a medical procedure has a 82% success rate, I can take comfort in the fact that there are "only" 18 out of 100 case studies when the procedure fails.  But if someone said that I am 82% in my husband skills, or a podiatrist is 82% in his medical knowledge, we would laugh at the absurdity of how non-informative those percentages are for such broad concepts.  Yet no eyelids are blinked when a percentage is applied to an entire course and we say a student is 82% in English, or Geometry, or Physics, or U.S. History.

We should note something about letter grades before we move on.  An A-B-C-D-F system is not in and of itself necessarily bad -- I would rather deal with a five point range system than the hundred point range system of percentages -- but what is troubling is often the vague understanding and frequent inconsistency of what a letter grade means.   For most traditional grading systems, the letter grade is simply the mask that a school or district's percentage wears at the ballroom school dance of public opinion, in an attempt to feign academic consistency and conformity. To take the simplest example of how this mask conceals more than it reveals, consider that even the scale used to translate a percentage into a letter grade can vary district to district in the same state, or even school to school in the same district.   An 80-89.9% could be a B in one location and 86-92.9% could be a B in another. So, again: How does a B reflect what Timmy actually knows in English?

If we take it as a given that a game of percentages is not the best system of grading -- and many of you were likely nodding your head about that way before this point in the blog entry! -- what could replace it?   First, we need to start with the question that Ken O'Connor poses in the short video (2:36) below: "How confident are you that the grades you students receive are consistent, accurate,  meaningful, and supportive of learning?" If we are not confident in what we have, let's find a better one.  To paraphrase from O'Connor's video, if students are "playing the game of school," let us at least make sure it is a learning game and not a grading game.

It was the pursuit of a more effective grading system that led Shelby several years ago to begin a transition to Standards Based Grading (SBG).  While all teachers have theoretically planned instruction around their state standards for many years, SBG looks at measuring student academic progress through the lens of how they are doing in each standard that is pertinent to a particular class. As we explained in a recent handout to parents,  "Course standards should answer the question: What is it we want our students to know and be able to do?" In order to articulate where a student is currently in their standards in as clear and consistent way as possible, we have created mastery scales (whole numbers from zero to 4) to go with these standards.  These scales work macro and micro: not only are they used to assess a specific task or evidence of learning with a score of 0 to 4 in that standard, the same scale applies to the overall standard when assessing the student's body of evidence.  Effective SBG practice is an important step on the journey to mastery learning -- when students can clearly and meaningfully apply their knowledge in new contexts -- and, eventually, a true competency-based education (CBE) system.  Our current Shelby Strategic Leadership Plan 2.0 has a goal of a CBE system by 2022.  (For a good starting place on learning more about competency-based education -- in particular, a new updated definition of CBE -- I highly recommend checking out Aurora Institute's new paper released in November 2019.)

When a teacher does SBG well (after support, experience and practice),  SBG is clearly much better at meeting O'Connor's four characteristics of effective grading.  Let's look back at the 82% conundrum.  If the reporting instead indicated how well Timmy was doing in his English standards (rather than the accumulated or averaged points from a gaggle of assignments), areas of strength and challenge would be much more clear.  We can not only see Timmy's success in standards with a 3 or 4 overall score, but we can quickly focus on Timmy's potential struggles in standards with a 1 or 2 score.  By reviewing mastery scale language, we can determine what it would take to improve in those struggle areas.  So let's use O'Connor's language to critique SBG. The common mastery scales keep us accurate and consistent across teachers and schools; discussing overall standard scores is a much more meaningful way of answering "How is Timmy doing?" than a vague overall course percentage or letter can achieve; student learning is supported when the scores on standards can lead to clear action steps of improvement.

The philosophy of SBG is not the stumbling block for most educators.  When explained like I did above, who would argue that the traditional grading system is more fair than SBG?  The issue is in the application -- how to track and monitor SBG, especially over time.   While teachers have done this without digital help, it is time consuming and difficult.  You can "hack" traditional online student information systems (SIS) to attempt SBG, but such tools are often teacher-centered and optimized for linear assignment record-keeping.   A few years ago in Shelby, our teachers asked for something better -- not only in an online gradebook, but in a learning management system (LMS) that had SBG as its centerpiece.   After a committee of teachers and admin reviewed several platforms, Empower Learning emerged as the most comprehensive digital tool for several reasons:
  • It is student-centered.  Not only does it allow for better student advocacy of seeing their academic performance in all classes over years of their academic journey, it allows all of the student's teachers to see all of his/her academic performance in all areas.   (Imagine trying to make an advisory system without such a transparent system of support!)   Compare this to a teacher-centered SIS that is built to record assignment completion and is silo'd to begin and end information for mainly just that teacher, for just that class, for just that school year.
  • Personalized learning can be done well and help a teacher use their time more effectively.  Without academic information to keep it rigorous, personalized learning could potentially become all voice and choice without rigor and equitable need.  Personalized learning is best when both the teacher and the student can easily see areas of mastery (if you have mastered all fourth grade standards, why not begin on the fifth grade ones?) as well as standards with low scores requiring intervention.  Personalized learning can also be time consuming to plan and facilitate for a teacher, so digital tools to help streamline this is important.
  • Behind an overall standard score, you can see the historical body of evidence that led to that score.  I've seen prior gradebooks where the standard score may have changed from 2 to 4 to 3 over several school weeks, yet it is not clear why or how the score changed -- instead of a real-time story, you can only see what the standard score is right now (or at best, 3 or 4 "snapshots" at the end of quarterly terms).  As a classroom teacher, I patted myself on the back when I made assignments that were standards-referenced (i.e. merely tagged to a standard) but I did a poor job of analyzing how those assignments could lead to a determination of mastery of any particular standard.  In both of these cases, it is extremely difficult to do any better without a digital tool like Empower.
  • It is a "one stop shop" of LMS needs.  While we found some tools that were decent digital gradebooks, few were able to offer the ability to do what a typical learning management system like Schoology, Google Classroom, Edmodo, etc. can do, such as creating quizzes, assigning work for student submission, and housing a collection of resources.  Of course, the opposite is also true -- for example, Google Classroom offers no gradebook beyond one with traditional points and percentages. Empower organizes both instruction and scoring under one roof.

For more information about the Scoring part of the Empower LMS, visit here.

As we wrap up this entry, I want to return to Ken O'Conner's video from earlier.  He points out that in a truly effective grading system, a student should not ask "What can I do to improve my grade?" but rather "What can I do to improve my learning?"  In Part Two, my next entry will go a bit deeper into how Empower integrates standards based grading and is an important tool to help us shift our Shelby students from the former to the latter.

Author's note: Shelby County Public Schools has invited Ken O'Connor to come to the district in January 2020 to talk to our teachers and community about grading practices and, in particular, the power of SBG.

Part Two of this series is available here.